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Buckets – Vitruvian Advertising
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Generating the buckets is easier to demonstrate than explain, so let’s use a real example from our client files. The first two videos below follow the example from Chapter 4. In the third video, Joel riffs on bucket creation using a hypothetical example.

We recommend watching the videos in full screen. Popcorn, surround sound and stadium seating are optional.

Video #1: Identifying and naming the buckets using the Google Keyword Tool


Video #2: Filling a bucket using the Google Keyword Tool


Video #3: Joel’s riff on bucketing (theory and practice)


Find all the Google AdWords For Dummies companion resources here.

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3 thoughts on “Buckets

  1. Hallo There
    I am a complete rookie when it comes to Google Adwords so your book is very useful. In the example on p67 you mention in point 2 that to clear the ‘Only Show Ideas Closely Related to My Search Terms’ box. Whereas in the video:
    I am sure someone would have brought this to your attention already but just in case they have not…
    Incidentally what IS the correct action? checked or cleared?
    Kind regards

    1. Hi EC,

      First, thanks for your kind words about the book – that’s exactly the sort of thing we love to see in an amazon review – hint hint 😉

      Second, thanks for bringing that discrepancy to our attention.

      In the book, we’re at the point of establishing ad groups, so at this point, we’re not looking to “go wide” with keyword searches. We just want each bucket to be filled with keywords closely related to the “main” one in the bucket.

      In the video, we’re just trying to identify which buckets to build. At that earlier phase, I’d keep the box checked to get as many possibilities as I can.

      Does that makes sense?

  2. I’m at the point of creating my first “bucket test” as described in your book. I’m a little confused as to how many keywords to include in each bucket.

    I have established eight buckets (eight primary keywords). In the book instructions, you say to fill each bucket with additional closely related keywords. However, on page 78, you say “For reasons that we get into in Chapter 18, we constructed the G-Form test a little differently…we used only the exact-match format for the single keyword and didn’t inlude any of the other related keywords.”

    So, my question is, which way should I go – fill the buckets with related keywords or just use the primary keywords (remembering this is my initial “market research” test)? Also, is there a minimum number of “local monthly searches” cutoff point where a keyword isn’t worth testing (realizing the keyword tool numbers aren’t very accurate).

    Enjoying your book – lots of info to digest!

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