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Call Tracking – Vendor Recommendations – Vitruvian Advertising
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Call Tracking – Vendor Recommendations

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Our latest experiences and recommendations for call tracking services.

We highly recommend that any company generating leads or sales over the phone install call tracking.

It’s important to note that your campaign management is flying blind without this information. It’s like not having conversion tracking at all if you are missing any more than 20% of your conversion data to call tracking.

Many of our clients use our preferred call tracking service (drum roll please) – Bionic Click. The two features of Bionic Click that justify our recommendation:

  1. The conversion data is pulled directly into AdWords – no need to mash up multiple data sources in order to know how well your ads and keywords are converting.
  2. Their pricing is very reasonable, especially for what you get.
  3. (Bonus) We love the shade of green they use on their website.
If your budget is very limited, check out our buddy Ryan Pitz’s New Call Solutions – perfect for small, entry-level accounts. It’s got great features for local service businesses, such as the ability to mark right from your cell phone if the call led to an appointment. You can also use it to track performance of outbound marketing, if you’re into that sort of thing.
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