Customer Discovery
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Grow Your Business with
Customer Focused Marketing
Achieve Marketing Success when you Discover the Winning Formula:
The Right Targeted Customer(Who? Where?) | + | The Right Solution(Meets an Urgent Need) | + | The Right Message(Hits the Mark) |
The Customer Discovery Roadmap
Our customer centric methodology allows you to identify and test your marketing success formula. Do you have the right target customer? Does your messaging resonate and compel them to action? Have you found them in the right mindset – when they have an urgent need you can meet?
The Roadmap allows you to validate your sales system before spending the time and money necessary to build your customer base and expand your reach.
With this process, you will reduce your risk and increase your chances of success by gathering the data necessary to make wise decisions.
1. Discover Your Customer & Your Winning Message. (The Discovery Pilot)
- Discover Your Bulls Eye: Who is your “Highly Targeted” Market?
- Discover Your Customer: Their needs and the message they respond to are the key to a successful campaign and a successful business.
- Discover Your Reality: Assess your market and your sales system.
- Discover Your Winning Message: Change, test & evaluate until your successful message is uncovered.
- Establish goals for the next optimization phase.
2. Build Your Customer Base. (Campaign Optimization)
- Bring them in with an effective PPC campaign.
- Build & optimize your campaign into a solid ROI position.
- Test, evaluate and change to grow sales & improve ROI.
3. Improve (Conversion Improvement)
- Improve your sales system with component testing.
4. Expand
- Expand your new, robust sales system into multiple channels.
Find out more about how we implement online advertising projects within this framework.